5 Reasons Why Postcard Printing is Still a Viable Marketing Tool

printing services Melbourne cbd

As technology continues to advance, we tend to shift our focus on digital marketing. However, print marketing remains to be a powerful tool for businesses to reach their target audience. One of the most popular print marketing methods is postcard printing. Although it may seem old-fashioned, postcard printing still has its place in the marketing industry. In this blog post, we will discuss 5 reasons why postcard printing is still a viable marketing tool.


One of the biggest advantages of poster printing in Melbourne is its cost-effectiveness. Compared to other traditional marketing methods, postcard printing is relatively cheaper. You can print a large number of postcards without breaking the bank. Moreover, printing services often offer discounts for bulk orders, allowing you to save even more money.

Targeted Marketing

Postcards allow you to hone in on your target market. For instance, you can send postcards to individuals or businesses in a specific location, age group, or industry. This targeted marketing approach ensures that your message gets to the right people, which can attract more leads and boost your ROI.

Tangible Marketing

In today’s digital age, receiving something tangible in the mail can be a refreshing change. Postcards offer a physical reminder for your recipients to keep instead of being lost in the digital sea of emails and ads. Your postcard can also include a call-to-action, which means that a tangible reminder can trigger a response much better than a digital ad that can be ignored so easily.

Versatile Marketing

Postcard printing is versatile in the sense that you can use it for a variety of purposes. You can print postcards as invitations, thank you cards or even as a voucher or discount card. Postcards can be used to promote events, products, or even services.

Easy-to-Create Marketing

Designing and printing postcards is a relatively easy process. Once you have your design and message ready, you can easily upload them to the printing service’s website and have them printed, most printing services in Melbourne CBD even offering templates for you to use. The process is quick, and you’ll have your postcards in no time.


Postcard Printing may be an old-fashioned form of marketing, but it undoubtedly still has a place in today’s world, and it’s still a cost-effective marketing tool that can make the difference when you need to increase your revenue. With the 5 reasons listed above, there’s really no reason why businesses should disregard postcard printing as a viable marketing tool. So the next time you’re thinking about marketing your products or services, why not consider leveraging on postcard printing?